Man Singh Agra, Agra - (LRIC Associated)

Mansingh Palace is a great choice for travellers looking for a 5-star hotel in Agra. It is located on Fatehabad Road. This hotel stands out as one of the highly recommended hotels in Agra and is recommended by 91% of our guests. The hotel is rated 4.2 out of 5, which is considered Very good. The property enjoys a great location advantage and provides easy and fast connectivity to the major transit points of the city. Some of the popular transit points from the hotel are Agra Fort Railway Station (2.9 km), Agra Cantt Railway Station (4.5 km), Billochpura (Baluchpura) Railway Station (6.6 km) and Agra Airport (7.4 km). The Hotel is in proximity to some popular tourist attractions and other places of interest in Agra. Some of the tourist attractions include Eklavya Sports Stadium (2.5 km), Eklavya Stadium (2.7 km), Jeet Singh Stadium (3.0 km), Jeet Singh Stadium (3.0 km), Mankameshwar Temple (3.0 km), Rawli Temple Collactrate Agra Mahant Shekhar Sharma (3.3 km) and Central Methodist Church (3.3 km).

From all the 5 Star hotels in Agra, Mansingh Palace is very much popular among the tourists. A smooth check-in/check-out process, flexible policies and friendly management garner great customer satisfaction for this property. The Hotel has a standard Check-In time as 02:00 PM and Check-Out time as 12:00 PM. It is a couple-friendly property, hence it is absolutely safe for unmarried couples to stay here.

What our guests thinkGood service quality, good stay experience, clean rooms, good food and nice location are some highly appreciated and talked about aspects of the property. With an overall rating of 4.2 out of 5 (1396 Ratings), the property is rated very well by 50% of the guests, 29% have rated it good, 11% have rated it average and 10% have rated it as bad. Also, we recommend that guests must go through traveller reviews and ratings posted by fellow travellers on the Star Inn Suites and Retreat platform to ensure that Mansingh Palace is best suited for them.You can find numerous hotels in Agra under different categories and Mansingh Palace is one of the best hotels under its category.




